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Mindful Traveller

Es Racó d‘Artà, Mallorca, Spain: A place for your wellbeing

At Es Racó d’Artà, you give back. Not only to nature but also yourself. Surrounded by nature, you can unwind, be free and feel at home. We met up with the people behind this special retreat and asked the owners about all things sustainability, and what we can do to give back to nature as well.

How did Es Racó d’Artà start? What’s the history behind it?

The story that our finca tells is a story that took place in Mallorca. This type of finca was a manor house, and the families who lived there were the top in the economy, based on agriculture and livestock. The older sons would inherit the big house, while the younger ones would inherit the other land belonging to them, which was not so fertile, and turned out to be beaches. Then the first tourists arrived and realised the breathtaking beauty of our waters and the island. So, the young people became hoteliers and little by little, these farms were abandoned, and tourism became our only source of income. For us, there is one keyword: balance. That is the secret, and to achieve it, we want to make the world understand that Mallorca is not only sun and beaches, but also culture, archaeological findings, history, nature, natural events, art, gastronomy... and so much more. We want to be able to offer a worthwhile inheritance to those who come after us, to be able to give to their beloved island a respect that will prevail when we are no longer here.

And how do you achieve that? How do you address the sustainability topic at Es Racó d’Artà?

We live with sustainability as our core value. Es Racó d’Artà is a concept that aims to go back to the origins of the island, when essence, architecture, culture, gastronomy and nature were respected. The entire property is about 200 acres of land, with 14 acres of vineyards, olive trees, fruit trees and ecological gardens, so there is certainly a lot to explore inside and around Es Racó d’Artà.

Es Racó d’Artà is not only big on sustainability but also respect towards nature. How do you give back?

In order to create a concept in which respect, in all its definitions and versions, prevails, we had to focus on where respect begins: in oneself, in our inner self. That is why we decided to base ourselves on a non-restrictive retreat centre, where everyone can find their own path to consciousness and self-transformation, enjoying the true culture of the island, and knowing that, this time, they will not leave a trace after their enjoyment. We refer to these people as respectful tourists with the desire to connect.

We started the project with a solid intention to give the land the love it’s been missing, to give it back what it deserves. That is why we started with agriculture, and we are now able to produce our own vegetables, olive oil, flour, fruit, wine, natural essences, and honey on the farm, as well as using rainwater from our natural wells. Last year, we were awarded organic certification, which we are very proud of. Once we had all of that under control, we started with the tourist product, restoring an old property dating back to the 12th century, which was formerly a Muslim community called Berbere. When we acquired the farm, it had already been designated a natural park, so our commitment became even more enormous and real. During construction, we paid great attention to applying sustainable solutions, using 100% high-quality, local and natural materials and traditional Mallorcan processes. We respect the original structure of the finca and integrate nature in all its essence. Nature prevails over mankind, and our owners believe that it is nature that gives them the gifts to create.

Last but not least, design can be a symbol of respect for nature. How important is this kind of design for you?

Our architect and designer, together with our constructor, both owners of the finca, chose to work with local technicians, craftsmen and woodworkers. They selected high-quality materials, unbleached textiles, local and organic products, and chose local artists who lovingly designed and created all the decorative pieces that feature in Es Racó d’Artà. The love and care they show makes a big difference, and we have huge respect and gratitude for their passion.

Es Racó d‘Artà is am member of Lifestylehotels

to the hotel
Artà, Mallorca | Spain


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